With 50 years of experience furnishing professional sound systems for diverse applications throughout New York, DCI is in tune with all of your needs. We offer complete design/build services for new sound reinforcement systems and for related technical systems such as audio recording, video projection, electronic control, assistive listening and CCTV. We can also repair or upgrade existing systems for improved performance and reliability or expand them to add needed features. From intimate conference rooms to large arenas, we've provided complete, cost-effective solutions for hundreds of organizations including churches and synagogues, businesses, government/municipalities, schools and colleges.

DCi Sound assures...
•Intelligible, natural voice quality for speech
•Rich, full-range music reinforcement
•Uniform sound distribution throughout
the listening area
•Ease of operation based on client need
(i.e. simple, technical, programmed)
•Long-term reliability
...with NO
•Distortion or sound degradation
•Dead spots or hot spots
•Hums, buzzes, hisses or RF Interference
•Frustrating feedback
DCi Sound
2533 Cherry Valley Turnpike
Marcellus, NY 13108
Local: 315.673.2088
Toll Free: 888.673.2089